
Date Forum Title Co-presenter
04.12.2024 The effective statistician podcast Introduction to dealing with non-proportional hazards
25.06.2024 The effective statistician podcast Managing hype in statistics
04.07.2023 The effective statistician podcast Driving Statistical Innovation – Barriers And Strategies Part 2 Mouna Akacha
01.07.2023 The effective statistician podcast Driving Statistical Innovation – Barriers And Strategies Part 1 Mouna Akacha
01.12.2021 The effective statistician podcast 200th episode - invited as one of contributors to the 10% most downloaded podcasts Jan Beyersmann
06.07.2021 The effective statistician podcast SAVVY - a principled approach to the analysis of safety data Jan Beyersmann
30.04.2021 Roche R&D academy horizon magazine Put the question first! A plea for a principled approach to plan RWD studies Dominik Heinzmann
17.11.2020 The effective statistician podcast A deep dive into principal stratification and causal inference Björn Bornkamp