44 |
Wolbers, M., Vázquez Rabuñal, M., Li, K., Rufibach, K., Sabanés Bové, D. (2024+). Using shrinkage methods to estimate treatment effects in overlapping subgroups in randomized clinical trials with time-to-event endpoints. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, to appear. preprint | github | R package on cran | linkedin | |
43 |
Erdmann, A., Beyersmann, J., Rufibach, K. (2024+). Oncology clinical trial design planning based on a multistate model that jointly models progression-free and overall survival endpoints. Stat. Med., to appear. doi | preprint | markdown | github | R package on cran | linkedin | |
42 |
Rufibach, K., Wolbers, M., Devenport, J., Yung, G., Harbron, C., Bedding, A., Huang, Z., Lin, R., Pang, H., Sabanés Bové, D., Wang, J. (2025). Implementation of statistical innovation in a pharmaceutical company. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 17(1), 113–124. doi | preprint | |
41 |
Rufibach, K., Beyersmann, J., Friede, T., Schmoor, C., Stegherr, R. (2024). Survival analysis for AdVerse events with VarYing follow-up times (SAVVY): summary of findings and a roadmap for the future of safety analyses in clinical trials. Trials, 25:Article 353. doi | preprint | github | R package on cran | linkedin | podcast | |
40 |
Polito, L., Liang, Q., Pal, N., Mpofu, P., Sawas, A., Humblet, O. Rufibach, K., Heinzmann, D. (2024). Applying the Estimand and Target Trial frameworks to external control analyses using observational data: a case study in the solid tumor setting. Front. Pharmacol., 15:1223858. doi | preprint | |
39 |
Rufibach, K., Grinsted, L., Li, J., Weber, H.-J., Zheng, C. Zhou, J. (2023). Quantification of follow-up time in oncology clinical trials with a time-to-event endpoint: Asking the right questions. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 22(4), 671-691. doi | preprint | markdown | |
38 |
Rufibach, K., Stegherr, R., Schmoor, C., Jehl, V., Allignol, A., Boeckenhoff, A., Dunger-Baldauf, C., Eisele, L., Künzel, T., Kupas, K., Leverkus, F., Trampisch, M., Zhao, Y., Friede, Beyersmann, J. (2023). Survival analysis for AdVerse events with VarYing follow-up times (SAVVY) – comparison of adverse event risks in randomized controlled trials. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 15(4), 767-780. doi | preprint | markdown | github | R package on cran | podcast | . The first two authors contributed equally. |
37 |
Ionan, A.C., Paterniti, M., Mehrotra, D., Scott, J., Ratitch, B., Collins, S., Gomatam, S., Nie, L., Rufibach, K., Bretz, F. (2023). Clinical and Statistical Perspectives on the Estimand Framework Implementation. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 15(3), 554-559. doi | |
36 |
Rajeshwari, S., Barksdale, E., Marchenko, O., Jiang, Q., Ando, Y., Bloomquist, E., Coory, M., Crouse, M., Degtyarev, E., Framke, T., Freidlin, B., Gerber, D.E., Gwise, T., Josephson, F., Hess, L., Kluetz, P., Li, D., Mandrekar, S., Posch, M., Rantell, K., Ratitch, B., Raven, A., Roes, K., Rufibach, K., Sarac, S.B., Simon, R., Singh, H., Theoret, M., Thomson, A., Zuber, E., Shen, Y.L., Pazdur, R. (2023). Cancer Clinical Trials Beyond Pandemic: Report of an American Statistical Association Biopharmaceutical Section Open Forum Discussion. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 15(2), 444-449. doi | |
35 |
Collignon, O., Schiel, A., Burman, C.F., Rufibach, K., Posch, M., Bretz, F. (2022). Estimands and Complex Innovative Designs. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112(6), 118-1190. doi | |
34 |
Kunzmann, K, Grayling, M.J., Lee, K.M., Robertson, D.S., Rufibach, K., Wason, J.M.S. (2022). Conditional Power and Friends: The Why and How of (Un)planned, Unblinded Sample Size Recalculations in Confirmatory Trials. Stat. Med., 41(5), 877-890. doi | preprint | |
33 |
Manitz, J., Kan-Dobrosky, N., Buchner, H., Casadebaig, M.L., Haddad, V., Jie, F., Martin, E., Tang, R., Yung, G., Zhou, J., Stalbovskaya, V., Shentu, Y., Rufibach, K., Mo, M., Dey, J., Degtyarev, E. (2022). Estimands for Overall Survival in Clinical Trials with Treatment Switching in Oncology. Pharm. Stat., 21:150-162. doi | |
32 |
Stegherr, R., Schmoor, C., Beyersmann, J., Rufibach, K., Jehl, V., Brueckner, A., Eisele, L., Kuenzel, T., Kupas, K., Langer, F., Loos, A., Norenberg, C., Voss, F., Friede, T. (2021). Survival analysis for AdVerse events with VarYing follow-up times (SAVVY): Estimation of adverse event risks. Trials, 22(1), 420. doi | preprint | markdown | github | R package on cran | podcast | |
31 |
Kunzmann, K, Grayling, M.J., Lee, K.M., Robertson, D.S., Rufibach, K., Wason, J.M.S. (2021). A review of Bayesian perspectives on sample size derivation for confirmatory trials. Am. Stat., 75(4), 424-432. doi | preprint | github | shiny | |
30 |
Bornkamp, B., Rufibach, K., Lin, J., Liu, Y., Mehrotra, D., Roychoudhury, S., Schmidli, H., Shentu, Y., Wolbers, M. (2021). Principal Stratum Strategy: Potential Role in Drug Development. Pharm. Stat., 20:737-751. doi | preprint | markdown | |
29 |
Sun, S., Weber, J., Butler, E., Rufibach, K., Roychoudhury, S. (2021). Estimands in Hematology Trials. Pharm. Stat., 20:793-805. doi | preprint | |
28 |
Stegherr, R., Beyersmann, J., Jehl, V., Rufibach, K., Leverkus, F., Schmoor, C., Friede, T. (2021). Survival analysis for AdVerse events with VarYing follow-up times (SAVVY): Rationale and statistical concept of a meta-analytic study. Biom. J., 63:650-670. doi | preprint | markdown | github | R package on cran | podcast | |
27 |
Lawrence, R., Degtyarev, E., Griffiths, P., Trask, P., Lau, H., D’Alessio, D., Griebsch, I., Wallenstein, G., Cocks, K., Rufibach, K. (2020). What is an estimand and how does it relate to quantifying the effect of treatment on patient-reported quality of life outcomes in clinical trials. J Patient Rep Outcomes, 4(68), NA. doi | |
26 |
Degtyarev, E., Rufibach, K., Shentu, Y., Yung, G., Casey, M., Englert, S., Liu, F., Liu, Y., Sailer, O., Siegel, J., Sun, S., Tang, R. (2020). Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the objective and analysis of oncology clinical trials - application of the estimand framework. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 12(4), 427-437. doi | preprint | . The first four authors contributed equally. |
25 |
Rufibach, K., Heinzmann, D., Monnet, A. (2020). Integrating Phase 2 into Phase 3 based on an Intermediate Endpoint While Accounting for a Cure Proportion - with an Application to the Design of a Clinical Trial in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Pharm. Stat., 19:44-58. doi | preprint | github | |
24 |
Beyer, U., Dejardin, D., Meller, M., Rufibach, K., Burger, H.U. (2019). A multistate model for early decision making in oncology. Biom. J., 62(3), 550-567. doi | preprint | |
23 |
Meller, M., Beyersmann, J., Rufibach, K. (2019). Joint modelling of progression-free and overall survival and computation of correlation measures. Stat. Med., 38:4270-4289. doi | preprint | |
22 |
Rufibach, K. (2019). Treatment Effect Quantification for Time-to-event Endpoints - Estimands, Analysis Strategies, and beyond. Pharm. Stat., 18:144-164. doi | preprint | |
21 |
Rufibach, K., Burger, H.U., Abt, M. (2016). Bayesian Predictive Power: Choice of Prior and some Recommendations for its Use as Probability of Success in Drug Development. Pharm. Stat., 15:438-446. doi | github | R package on cran | |
20 |
Asikanius, E., Rufibach, K., Bahlo, J., Bieska, G., Burger, H.U. (2016). Comparison of design strategies for a three-arm clinical trial with time-to-event endpoint. Biom. J., 58(6), 1295-1310. doi | |
19 |
Rufibach, K., Chen M., Ngyuen, H. (2016). Comparison of different clinical development plans for confirmatory subpopulation selection. Contemp. Clin. Trials, 47:78-84. doi | |
18 |
Rufibach, K., Jordan, P., Abt, M. (2016). Sequentially Updating the Likelihood of Success of a Phase 3 Pivotal Time-To-Event Trial based on Interim Analyses or External Information. J. Biopharm. Stat., 26(2), 191-201. doi | R package on cran | |
17 |
Dümbgen, L., Rufibach, K., Schuhmacher, D. (2014). Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density based on Censored Data. Electron. J. Stat., 8:1405-1437. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
16 |
Balabdaoui, F., Jankowski, H., Rufibach, K., Pavlides, M. (2013). Asymptotics of the discrete log-concave maximum likelihood estimator and related applications. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Stat. Methodol., 75(4), 769-790. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
15 |
Rufibach, K. (2012). A smooth ROC curve estimator based on log-concave density estimates. Int. J. Biostat., 8(1), 1-29. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
14 |
Rufibach, K. (2011). Selection models with monotone weight functions in meta analysis. Biom. J., 53(4), 689-704. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
13 |
Dümbgen, L., Rufibach, K. (2011). logcondens: Computations Related to Univariate Log-Concave Density Estimation. Journal of Statistical Software, 39(6), 1-28. doi | R package on cran | |
12 |
Held, L., Rufibach, K., Balabdaoui, F. (2010). A score regression approach to assess calibration of probabilistic predictions. Biometrics, 66(4), 1295-1305. doi | |
11 |
Balabdaoui, F., Rufibach, K., Santambrogio, F. (2010). Least Squares estimation of two ordered monotone regression curves. J. Nonparametr. Stat., 22(8), 1019-1037. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
10 |
Rufibach, K., Walther, G. (2010). The block criterion for multiscale inference about a density with applications to other multiscale problems. J. Comput. Graph. Statist., 19(1), 175-190. doi | R package on cran | |
9 |
Rufibach, K. (2010). An Active Set Algorithm to Estimate Parameters in Generalized Linear Models with Ordered Predictors. Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 54:1442-1456. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
8 |
Rufibach, K. (2009). reporttools: R Functions to Generate LaTeX Tables of Descriptive Statistics. Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 31(1), NA. doi | R package on cran | |
7 |
Müller, S., Rufibach, K. (2009). Smooth tail index estimation. J. Statist. Comput. Simulation, 79:1155-1167. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
6 |
Balabdaoui, F., Rufibach, K., Wellner, J.A. (2009). Limit distribution theory for maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density. Ann. Statist., 37:1299-1331. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
5 |
Dümbgen, L., Rufibach, K. (2009). Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density and its distribution function: basic properties and uniform consistency. Bernoulli, 15:40-68. doi | preprint | R package on cran | |
4 |
Müller, S., Rufibach, K. (2008). On the max-domain of attraction of distributions with log-concave densities. Statist. Probab. Lett., 78(12), 1440-1444. doi | |
3 |
Balabdaoui, F., Rufibach, K. (2008). A second Marshall inequality in convex estimation. Statist. Probab. Lett., 78(2), 118-126. doi | |
2 |
Rufibach, K. (2007). Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimators of a log-concave Density Function. J. Stat. Comput. Simul., 77(7), 561-574. doi | R package on cran | |
1 |
Rufibach, K., Bertschy, M., Schüttel, M., Vock, M., Wasserfallen, T. (2001). Eintrittsraten und Austrittswahrscheinlichkeiten EVK 2000. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Aktuarvereinigung, 2001(1), 49-70. doi | |